Confident speaker course
Boost your speaking skills forever.
Exclusive practice classes with fellow professionals.
Always instructor-led, online and live.
Become the person others want to listen to.
Testimonials from former participants
How Marli overcame her fears
Daria’s experiences
Daniel’s journey
People who have joined this course work at:
Rabobank -
Dutch Government -
Unilever -
Google -
Intel -
JP Morgan -
HP -
ASML - BMW - IBM - Rabobank - ING - Dutch Government - Unilever - Google - Intel - KPMG - JP Morgan - HP -
About your trainer
✔️ Trained & coached 2500+ people since 2018.
✔️ Lecturer at Erasmus University Rotterdam.
✔️ Certified trainer with background in theatre and public speaking contests.
Welcome to my website! My name is Jelmer Smits.
The first time I won a public speaking contest, I knew I had found a valuable skill for life. But the first time I taught this skill to others, I knew I had found my passion for life.
On this website, you will read that I’m a public speaking trainer or a communications coach – but what I really do, and what I truly love doing, is helping professionals stand tall and be confident in themselves.
Are you looking to boost your confidence and actually improve forever? I would love to find out if we are a good match.
Get the PUBLIC SPEAKING skillset and confidence to:
Feel less anxiety
Better body language
Improvise on the spot
Be assertive and likeable
Control your voice &
English business skills
Influence group decisions

Why become a more confident speaker?
Confident speaking is one of the most important skills to have in the labor market:
Presenting to colleagues or clients. Will they forget you or can you speak to them in “their” language and be liked?
Speaking to a group you don’t know without any preparation. Do you tense up and shut down or do you know how to improvise?
Job interviews selling yourself and sharing your ideas. Do you struggle for words or can you make yourself be heard and understood?
Over 77% of people struggle with some form of public speaking anxiety.
But we can overcome it. With the right practice, in the right environment.
Just because no-one has ever taught you this before, doesn’t mean you can’t still learn it.
250+ participants
9.7/10 satisfaction rate
The 6-week programme: always live with Jelmer,
online and personalized.
General course information
There are two ways to sign up for the Confident Speaker Course:
1) Full payment. Instead of €1799, enjoy the discounted price of €1399 if you sign up before November 2024.2) Prepay. Pay 33% of the full price now to guarantee a spot in the next cohort. The remainder will be covered in 1 more installments.
The price represents the full course: 6 group sessions, 1 private intake session and 1 private coaching session.
All prices exclude VAT (BTW in Dutch).
Tip: Check if your employer has a budget for professional courses like this. If not, I could give you some free tips on how to negotiate for it.
Round 1: Jan & Feb - FULLRound 2: May & June - FULL
Round 3: July & Aug - FULL
Round 4: Nov & Dec - FULL
Round 1: Jan & Feb - FULLRound 2: May & June
Round 3: Nov & Dec
• Tuesdays (13:00-15:30)• Tuesdays (19:00-21:30)
• Wednesdays (19:00-21:30)
• Thursdays (19:00-21:30)
• Fridays (13:00-15:30)
• Saturdays (19:00-21:30)
All times Netherlands Timezone (CEST) -
1. Not the right fit after all? → After 1st session, 100% money back.
2. Nice people only → All participants are screened by Jelmer (‘no-assholes policy’)
3. Feel safe → Small groups, nothing is recorded, everyone is here to learn.
4. Flexibility → Can't make it on one day? Join another group during the week, or reschedule together with the group.
Course programme
Before you will meet your group in week 1, you and I will sit down to prepare you as best as possible. This is kick-off for your personal journey to becoming a confident speaker.
More specifically, we will look at:
Your main struggles right now.
How to prepare best for the group sessions.
Getting the most out of this course and getting to know each other a bit more.
After being welcomed to the class, we will already start practicing and creating a safe environment. We will set guidelines for giving and receiving concrete feedback.
A person’s body language can tell a lot about their thoughts, feelings, and overall confidence. Also online.
Not only will you be able to read the body language of others, you will also become more comfortable with your own body. Enhance your message with the right practical body movements. This will also help you in offline speaking.
Finally, you will be introduced to the 4 Golden Rules of Public Speaking – a set of rules that recur over the weeks. I know this might sound abstract now. I promise you that it will make a lot of sense later. The Golden Rules are actually most often mentioned as favorites parts of the course.
Having to improvise in front of a group… For many of us this is one of the most difficult things to do in a social setting.
You might not believe it yet, but improv is a skill you can train. I’ve seen the most shy and introverted people develop themselves into comfortable speakers, who know how to improvise when they’re put on the spot.
In this session, we learn about the essence of improvisation and practice the most effective techniques (promise: it will be fun).
Though your content may be good, your delivery is what truly makes the difference. And exactly this delivery depends mostly on how well you can use your voice.
In this session, you will learn to adapt your vocal skills to entertain and interest your audience whenever you want. The foundation of professional projection is explored and made part of your skillset. You will learn how to effectively engage your voice, avoid awkward silences in your speech, and how to master your pitch.
How do you attract and hold attention of your audience?
In this session, you will learn tools to get people to like you, listen to you and trust you. We will focus on to create a pleasant first impression, the key differences between speaking online and offline, and the best tools and equipment for effective online presentations.
After this session, you will be able to communicate with more structure and improve your storytelling.
Additionally, we continue working on how to avoid blackouts and forgetting things mid-sentence.
Being memorable is an essential skill to have for public speaking. In this session we will bring everything together. You will learn how to position yourself as an expert, to stay in control of situations and use the best preparation protocols for success.
Included in the course is 1 extra private feedback/coaching session. With my full attention, you and I will work on your weaknesses and strengths.