How to start ANY presentation
Connect theory + 5 free examples.
Struggling with the start of your presentations? Use a 'connect' at the beginning of your talk, so you connect to the audience and also buy yourself time to settle your nerves.
1. Use 2-3x questions like ‘who-grabs’*. Make sure most people are in the categories.
2. Engage those excluded. Mention secret.
3. Preframe = connect subject of the talk to something better + more/ '-er' -> better, cheaper, more efficient, more effective.
*= Grab (aka HOOK) = a question starter. The 'who?-grab' is the easiest grab and a good start to get the attention. Here's how it works: Ask people to raise their hands.. Start with a very easy one, so most people raise their hands. People will feel the need to consider your question. Use 2-3x who grabs. Make sure most people are in the categories.
5 Examples
Example 1 from video: Dutch tap water
1. By show of hands... Who of you has ever been in NL?
2. Who of you has tasted Dutch tap water?
3. Well, even if you have never tasted Dutch tap water, this might be useful to you, because today I'll tell you the secret..
4. I'll explain why and how it's tastier, cheaper and healthier than most other tap waters in the world.
Example 2: Public speaking anxiety
1. By show of hands... Who of you feels nervous before an important presentation?
2. Who of you has ever had a useful professional course on presentation skills?
3. Well, even if you have not... this might be useful to you, because today I'll tell you a secret..
4. I'll present a new way of practicing scary things like public speaking. This will result in less stress, more impact and more self esteem.
Example 3: Green fund investments
1. By show of hands... Who of you has ever invested in stocks?
2. Who of you has invested in green funds?
3. Well, even if you have never... this might be useful to you, because today I'll tell you the secret..
4. I'll explain how you can invest cheaper and easier than before, in a way that also benefits the world.
Example 4: Save on energy costs
1. By show of hands... Who of you would has felt the rising energy prices in their living costs?
2. Who of you has tried to use less energy as a result?
3. Well, even if you have not... this might be useful to you, because today I'll tell you a secret..
4. I'll present a new technology that halves your energy costs, is easier to use than ever before, and will only get better over time.
Example 5: LinkedIn's secret
1. By show of hands... Who of you uses LinkedIn?
2. Who of you finds themselves opening LinkedIn only to close it within 1 minute again?
3. Well, even if you don't have LinkedIn... You'll find this interesting, because today I'll tell LinkedIn's secret.
4. I'll explain how LinkedIn manages to keep up its monopoly as a networking social media and how they control your attention and self esteem.