
Most public speaking courses are NOT effective

One of the biggest problems with public speaking courses is that they offer a lot that's too vague.

Let me make that statement less vague ;)

For example, most people struggle with their body language. 

Then most courses will tell you things like:

  • Show good energy. Move with confidence.

  • Don't move too much, but don't freeze either.

  • "don't panic, just enjoy it"

Let's be honest / Let me tell you. 

Vague advice like that won't really help you when you are on stage, fully under pressure, when you NEED to perform. 

If you are going to invest in public speaking training, make sure you find a trainer that makes it as tangible as possible. 

Someone who can recognise your strengths and weaknesses and teach YOU HOW to improve, making your learning more personal.

Techniques you should work on:

  • Body language

  • Voice control

  • Eye contact

  • Improvisation tools

  • Storytelling frameworks

  • Audience management


How to make any presentation interactive - Think Pair Share